The best time to prepare for a financial emergency, of course, is well in advance. If you wait until your car dies, or your roof springs a leak, or your air conditioning unit fails in the middle of could find yourself scrambling to be able to find the needed funds.
You'll want to start making a list of all of your expenses - rent or mortgage, car payment, insurance, utilities, grocery bill, cable, gym membership, transportation costs including gasoline or bus fare. If you find ,even this, too daunting a task, you can simply multiply your present monthly take home pay times six. That number is your minimum money cushion.
The name "Justin Bieber" is familiar to just about every teenaged girl on the planet these days - and every parent of a teenaged girl - but what many people don't know is how the mop-topped teenager first came to the attention of superstar manager and rapper Usher.
Bieber posted videos of himself on Youtube, which caught the attention of a manager, who introduced him to Usher. And the rest is pop idol history.
If you have people in your life who like you, you may be better off than social media giant, Facebook. Consumers recently reported that they like Facebook about as much as the cable company, airlines and the IRS*. One major cause for customer concern is privacy. Here’s how to better protect your personal and family Facebook privacy. We've even included pictures. Continue reading about Important Facebook Privacy Setting Secrets
Online the competition is usually a click away and stores are open 24/7. In this competitive economy, customer loyalty is a necessity to keep your multi-channel business growing. Tactics for cultivating loyal online customers can differ from cultivating them in a physical store sales channel. Web sales means speed. Online offers you the opportunity to instantly secure permission to speak with the prospect again.
It smoothly enables the first invitation to join your community at destinations such as Twitter or Facebook and immediately offers you the chance to provide a relevant incentive both to purchase now and make a second or additional purchase within 72 hours.
We all know the feeling of being down to our last nerve. Where do you find yourself losing your cool and your emotional balance? Is it in traffic, on the job or on the home front? Mobile anger management is a growing challenge. Angry drivers are endangering themselves and others during the daily commute.