Let's pretend you want to create an online media buzz for your business in September. Where should the buzz building steps of the marketing survey or polling process begin? It begins with a sound and seasonal idea that makes sense for September.
If you are new to Twitter this year, don't be intimated. We are the majority. Twitter newbies outnumber seasoned users by a large margin. Twitter enables people and companies to dip their toes into social media, 140 characters at a time.
"Top 10 Subject Line Words That Get Opens", a recent blog post on Webpronews, has turned out to be surprisingly popular.
It was retweeted all over the Twittersphere, linked to and quoted on numerous blogs.
On second thought, it's really not that surprising that this was a popular blog post - the post headline had several of the tried and true success words that draw people in and keep reading.
#Hash Tags, Following, Follow Friday, Re Tweeting, How to @Reply
Twitter Basic Vocabulary Definitions: Welcome to the Twitterverse. The Tweeting communication code clearly starts out confusing. Every social network, from industry organizations to soccer parents, has its own specialized terms and acronyms. Those new to this microblogging jargon are in search of simple and clear answers to a myriad of critical questions such as "What in the world is Follow Friday?" "Why are the pound signs cluttering people's message?" "Is it a gesture of friendship or plagiarism to ReTweet (aka RT) someone's tweet message?" Once we begin to speak the language; we feel compelled to help the next Newbie.
A Twitter Media Mystery: Are recent studies missing the mark when they describe the person using Twitter as "likely to be 25 or younger"? As a very curious person, I'm wondering if another story theme might results from asking the people who tweet the right questions in the right order.