If you are new to Twitter this year, don't be intimated. We are the majority. Twitter newbies outnumber seasoned users by a large margin. Twitter enables people and companies to dip their toes into social media, 140 characters at a time.
"Top 10 Subject Line Words That Get Opens", a recent blog post on Webpronews, has turned out to be surprisingly popular.
It was retweeted all over the Twittersphere, linked to and quoted on numerous blogs.
On second thought, it's really not that surprising that this was a popular blog post - the post headline had several of the tried and true success words that draw people in and keep reading.
Press releases are a great way to publicize your business, but frankly, not all press releases are created equal.
Some press releases are pretty dull to read and have nothing new or exciting to tell the reader. The fact that a company just hired a new CEO or entered a partnership with a new distributor...yes, that's news, but is it interesting news? Not to anyone outside of the company.
So what is a company to do when they have no exciting news to announce? Create their own news, that's what? And how do they do that?