Justin Bieber, Overnight Fame, And Social Media
The name "Justin Bieber" is familiar to just about every teenaged girl on the planet these days - and every parent of a teenaged girl - but what many people don't know is how the mop-topped teenager first came to the attention of superstar manager and rapper Usher.
Bieber posted videos of himself on Youtube, which caught the attention of a manager, who introduced him to Usher. And the rest is pop idol history.
15-year-old Bieber rocketed to fame practically overnight and has numerous chart-topping singles. Teenage girls riot when he comes to town; So how does this relate to you and your business? Simple.
Although most people who use social media to promote themselves will not become international superstars, they will reach a potentially huge audience overnight.
Creating Your Own Case Study for Marketing with Social Media
Here's what you need to do to grab yourself some of that social media success:
1. Decide what medium suits you best.
Experiment with different mediums. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are all very popular social media sites. Twitter allows you to post short updates, Facebook allows you to create fan pages, and Youtube of course allows you to post videos.
2. Put your best stuff out there.
Don't hold back, don't be stingy; whatever your talent is, you want to showcase it.
If you're an author, put free short stories on your website, or excerpts from your novels. If you're a singer, put your songs on Youtube. If you're a business owner, give away a lot of free advice about your area of expertise. If you're an artist, put some of your paintings or sketches online.
The ability to promote yourself via social media isn't limited to artists. Anyone can use social media to make themselves a superstar in their field. Are you a plumber? Write about how to select an honest plumber, how much various types of plumbing repairs should cost, how to keep your drains running freely...
Are you a restaurant owner? You can create a fan page on Facebook where you publish recipes and articles, you can make videos of your chefs preparing their signature dishes...are you a beauty salon owner?
Show videos of your stylists creating the latest looks, post articles about hair trends and makeup trends.
Hint: And here's a hint: If you don't have any idea what to post or publish or make a video about, then check out what your competition is doing on social media and get ideas from them. Don't copy, of course, but seek inspiration from those who have achieved success in your field, and emulate what they do. If Justin Bieber hadn't promoted himself using social media, he'd never have caught the attention of a superstar manager.
And if you don't promote yourself on social media, you'll never learn what heights you could achieve, and what successful partnerships you might forge.
Please retweet and help the next person with their business marketing.
Margaret Ross, author, writes about topics to assist you with your business and with your life.