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Facebook Gets Low Scores from Customers on Privacy; How to Protect Yourself

facebooknewsprivacyIf you have people in your life who like you, you may be better off than social media giant, Facebook. Consumers recently reported that they like Facebook about as much as the cable company, airlines and the IRS*.  One major cause for customer concern is privacy. Here’s how to better protect your personal and family Facebook privacy.
We all live within vast social networks with interactions at work, clubs, neighbors, PTA, parties, business conferences and others. There is, however, something that separates social networking on Facebook from social networking offline: privacy.

Protecting Your Privacy  - Privacy News and Facebook Account Changes

Real World vs Facebook World

You would never walk into a dinner party or work event with a label on your head detailing your relationship status, political and religious beliefs, date of birth and sexual orientation. I doubt that you would carry an open photo album with hundreds of photos from the many other dinner parties you have attended, some of which may not have ended as glamorously as you had hoped.

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Relationship Success: Professional Courtesy Email and Instant Message Use

By Margaret Ross
 Internet courtesy and professionalism via email Professional communications skills can build and support a positive work environment. Before you dash off a quick email or instant message to a friend or family member during a protracted work meeting, remember that your message may be monitored. Over three-quarters (76%) of US firms report that they record and review their employees communications on the job, with over half retaining and reviewing email. Continue reading about Relationship Success: Professional Courtesy Email and Instant Message Use

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Meet Generation “W”

Wireless generation is generation WCertain birthdays mark special life changes. A birthday could mean becoming school age, driving age, dating age or voting age. Thirteen has become the ‘cellphone of my own’ age. Just 12 percent of kids ages 8-12 have a wireless phone, but that jumps dramatically at age 13. Nearly half of young teens, ages 13-15, have a wireless phone number of their own. That number jumps to 68 percent for the 16-17 age group. The phone may be traveling with the new teen, but the phone bill is still going to mom and dad. Parents pick their children’s wireless service bills in over two-thirds of the cases. Continue reading about Meet Generation “W”

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