Here's a Catch-22 of building up a big list on Twitter: You want to build up a big list on Twitter so that you can interact with your audience. But after a while, once you are following thousands and thousands of people, you can no longer pay attention to what they are saying. Worse, if you have made some good connections on Twitter, you are going to miss what those people are tweeting most of the time.
Also, you are likely to have different categories of people that you follow: customers, friends, family, industry leaders, etc.
In the current climate it is perhaps more typical to hear stories about people loosing a job rather than finding one. However, it is certainly possible to buck this economic trend and make yourself hyper-employable even in today’s market. Moreover, it’s not all doom and gloom as far as the economic situation goes, there are an increasing number of positive signs about the state of the world’s markets. For example, France and Germany are recently reported to have emerged from recession. Continue reading about Ten Tips To Land Your Next Job Using Social Media : Chapter One
#Hash Tags, Following, Follow Friday, Re Tweeting, How to @Reply
Twitter Basic Vocabulary Definitions: Welcome to the Twitterverse. The Tweeting communication code clearly starts out confusing. Every social network, from industry organizations to soccer parents, has its own specialized terms and acronyms. Those new to this microblogging jargon are in search of simple and clear answers to a myriad of critical questions such as "What in the world is Follow Friday?" "Why are the pound signs cluttering people's message?" "Is it a gesture of friendship or plagiarism to ReTweet (aka RT) someone's tweet message?" Once we begin to speak the language; we feel compelled to help the next Newbie.
A Twitter Media Mystery: Are recent studies missing the mark when they describe the person using Twitter as "likely to be 25 or younger"? As a very curious person, I'm wondering if another story theme might results from asking the people who tweet the right questions in the right order.
The number one social media no-no for small businesses is ignoring social media marketing and the enormous potential that it offers. The beauty of social media is it can level the playing field for small businesses allowing them to compete with larger corporations. A recent national study reported 8 out of 10 companies, of all sizes, are using Social Media and planning to expand efforts during 2009.
Avoid These Six Bad Habits or Risk Losing Customers In Droves
Businesses everywhere are discovering that Twitter is a wonderful way to find new customers, keep in touch with existing customers, keep an eye on the competition, network with others in your field, and find out what your customers are saying about them.
New Psychographic Study Reports: 8 in 10 motivated to "Tweet" for business -
Most Twitter users don't sign up just to tweet about their day; they're Tweeting to increase their bottom line, a new study reveals. In fact, more people who use Twitter do so for business than for social reasons alone, according to a new psychographic survey conducted by the Kamaron Research Institute.
One of the main goals of writing a press release or a blog post is to steer traffic to your business and your website - which means that the press release or post must be easy to find online.