Attracting and retaining the best staff is a top priority for managers and owners. Taking action on this priority can be complicated. An employee has been offered a new job with more money, more vacation days, and access to a company car. What would make them choose to stay? A top performer being “happy” on the job can tip the scales in your favor when the competition comes calling.
More than likely at some point in your life you have been running late for work. You probably have had a morning when you kept hitting that snooze button on your alarm clock just wanting a few more minutes of sleep. Before you know it you are running late for work, and while you may skip breakfast or that long leisurely shower, more than likely it is what you wear that suffers the most.
The Best Bullying Prevention Solution Is Preemption
byMargaret Ross
The locations may vary, work place, neighborhood, Internet, school or bus, but the bully’s weapon of choice remains constant. WORDS. Causalities are mounting.
From the outside looking in, being a people magnet - someone comfortable in every situation - is believed to be to be something we are born with.
Deep down, we’ve been wondering what it would be like to be the person everyone wants to sit next to at the lunch table since we were in elementary school.
Good news: It’s not a gift of birth. It’s a skill not a talent. We can learn skills. It’s like riding a bicycle or setting up your new MP3 player.