School Bullying Solutions

Kamaron School Bullying Solutions

Kamaron Institute and Margaret Ross are recognized national experts in Bullying Preemption.

Bullying Pre-emption is Bullying Prevention 2.0.  KC3 Positive Label Program has proven to cut bullying behaviors by 50 percent while doubling kind words, tolerance, and cooperation in school and on buses.

  • Office Discipline Referrals Decrease Up to 50 percent.
  • Teachers regain 1 to 3 weeks of quality teaching time without adding a second to the school day.
  • This means happier, safer children who are more ready to learn.
  • Bus discipline issues decrease up to 60 percent

►To stop name calling and bullying behaviors.

►Character Education Books

►About Who We Help

►Bullying Lesson Plans by the Kamaron Institute Amazing Ideas Media Center 


Let's talk: To Request More Information

Internet bullying in 'tween' group to double by 2010
Tips:  Cyber Bullying Preemption
  1. Launch a proactive, preemptive program that replaces the natural name-calling, bullying, taunting bullying behaviors with a positive focus. Re-norm what is considered cool at school
  2. Kamaron® Institute has successfully done with the KC3™ Positive Label Program, which has proven to decrease bullying behaviors by 50 percent.
  3. Make sure ethics and character as bullying preemption should be included in any computer instruction given at your school.
  4. Partner with your PTA for a parent briefing on all cyber bullying as well as bullying on buses and in school.
  5. Encourage your school district to develop a clear, comprehensive bully preemption and cyber bulling prevention policy on acceptable computer use, both on and off school property.
  6. The policy should spell out what constitutes cyber bullying, and list consequences.
  7. Establish a bullying prevention relationship with your local police department, perhaps inviting “cyber cops” to your school to speak to parents and kids on proper Internet use.