
Anger Management Strategies for Business Managers

We all know the feeling of being down to our last nerve. Where do you find yourself losing your cool and your emotional balance? Is it in traffic, on the job or on the home front? Mobile anger management is a growing challenge. Angry drivers are endangering themselves and others during the daily commute.

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How to keep your cool when you are hot under the collar.
How to keep your cool when you are hot under the collar.

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Ten Tips To Land Your Next Job Using Social Media : Chapter One


Social Media Job/Career Guide:


Social Media Chapter 1: Tips One, Two, Three
In the current climate it is perhaps more typical to hear stories about people loosing a job rather than finding one. However, it is certainly possible to buck this economic trend and make yourself hyper-employable even in kamaron_social_media_job_career_guidetoday’s market. Moreover, it’s not all doom and gloom as far as the economic situation goes, there are an increasing number of positive signs about the state of the world’s markets. For example, France and Germany are recently reported to have emerged from recession. Continue reading about Ten Tips To Land Your Next Job Using Social Media : Chapter One

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Five Ways to Prepare for a Financial Emergency

The best time to prepare for a financial emergency, of course, is well in advance. If you wait until your car dies, or your roof springs a leak, or your air conditioning unit fails in the middle of could find yourself scrambling to be able to find the needed funds.
You'll want to start making a list of all of your expenses - rent or mortgage, car payment, insurance, utilities, grocery bill, cable, gym membership, transportation costs including gasoline or bus fare. If you find ,even this,  too daunting a task, you can simply multiply your present monthly take home pay times six. That number is your minimum money cushion.
Got this take home income number or your expense list ready? Good. Continue reading about Five Ways to Prepare for a Financial Emergency
Staying afloat when emergencies happen.
Staying afloat when emergencies happen.

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