Kamaron PI new blog and free newsletter subscribe now
The Kamaron Institute is pleased to announce the launch of their new blog, Positive Impact, along with their new free newsletter.
The Kamaron Institute’s focus has always been on providing useful, timely research and information on how people can maximize their business success. Our series of articles, promoted through social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook, have been a huge hit with our readers!
While we will continue providing useful articles about business success, we will now also be bringing you regular updates on how to balance work and personal life, with tips on personal finances, time-saving tips, making the most of family time, and lots of other advice and resources on how to get the most out of every day.
For a limited time, subscribers to the Positive Impact Newsletter will receive the downloadable ebook, "52 Ways To Save Money On Practically Everything", for free.
The book contains our best, personally tested tips on how to have a fun and affordable holiday, how to save money, avoid spending traps and be kind to the environment at the same time, and numerous other tips which will help readers achieve significant savings month after month. It’s especially timely in this uncertain economy where everyone is watching their pennies.
To subscribe, readers only need to take a few simple steps, which are explained here: http://kamaron.org/PI-email