Building your online brand can Branding With Social Media
For businesses to truly thrive, they need to achieve "brand identity". Examples of large companies with brand identity are Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Coca Cola, Sears, Jiffy Lube, Kinko's, and Starbucks. When you hear those names, you immediately know what kind of product or service you're getting. Having that kind of brand recognition implies trustworthiness, reliability, and consistency.
A Twitter Media Mystery: Are recent studies missing the mark when they describe the person using Twitter as "likely to be 25 or younger"? As a very curious person, I'm wondering if another story theme might results from asking the people who tweet the right questions in the right order.
The number one social media no-no for small businesses is ignoring social media marketing and the enormous potential that it offers. The beauty of social media is it can level the playing field for small businesses allowing them to compete with larger corporations. A recent national study reported 8 out of 10 companies, of all sizes, are using Social Media and planning to expand efforts during 2009.
Avoid These Six Bad Habits or Risk Losing Customers In Droves
Businesses everywhere are discovering that Twitter is a wonderful way to find new customers, keep in touch with existing customers, keep an eye on the competition, network with others in your field, and find out what your customers are saying about them.
New Psychographic Study Reports: 8 in 10 motivated to "Tweet" for business -
Most Twitter users don't sign up just to tweet about their day; they're Tweeting to increase their bottom line, a new study reveals. In fact, more people who use Twitter do so for business than for social reasons alone, according to a new psychographic survey conducted by the Kamaron Research Institute.
Press releases are a great way to publicize your business, but frankly, not all press releases are created equal.
Some press releases are pretty dull to read and have nothing new or exciting to tell the reader. The fact that a company just hired a new CEO or entered a partnership with a new distributor...yes, that's news, but is it interesting news? Not to anyone outside of the company.
So what is a company to do when they have no exciting news to announce? Create their own news, that's what? And how do they do that?