Real Time Search

How To Use Real Time Search And Social Media To Promote Your Business


It is no secret to users of Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites that the fastest way to find out what's going on in the world these days is no longer by turning on the TV news. More and more frequently, news is announced first on social networking sites.
Recently, Google picked up on this fact, and struck deals with Twitter and a number of other social networking sites to include their feeds on Google's search results. Google's page is now a mix of the old standard style search results, and a stream of instantly updated results from social networking sites. A combination of search sources is called Universal Search. Many people refer to the “as it happens” content as Real Time Search.  Continue reading about How To Use Real Time Search And Social Media To Promote Your Business
Real time search and universal search how to get an edge for your business.
Real time search and universal search how to get an edge for your business.

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