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Cell Phone Courtesy ; How To Increase Your Cell Phone Class

Relationship skills phone courtesy business relationshipsCellphone Rudeness Hits Record High

Cell phone etiquette improves any environment

It you were in a store, train, or a restaurant recently, in addition to the normal noise, you were likely to have been subjected to multiple, loud phone conversations in your consumer space.

According to a USA Today poll, cell phone chatter annoys almost two-thirds of Americans. Eight in 10 say they over hear cell chatter in restaurants and stores.
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In Search of Business Treasure

by Margaret Ross

Margaret Ross business strategy success tips employee relationships Business success is like a treasure hunt. What often appears to be amazingly good luck or inborn business brilliance is actually a disciplined, predictable process like following a treasure map. Treasure hunting is a mindset, often the hallmark of entrepreneurs, but certainly not their exclusive domain. Treasure hunters are also identified by their track record of "blooming where they are planted."

Craig Randall drove a garbage truck in Peabody, Massachusetts. In a garbage container one day he noticed a Wendy's soft drink cup bearing a contest sticker. Having won a sandwich the week before, Randall checked it, hoping for a similar "find." Instead, he peeled a sticker worth $200,000 toward the construction of a new home, reported U.S. News World Report.

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Secrets To Successful Meetings

How to Tame Time Gobblers and Meeting Monsters

by Margaret Ross
The ability to lead effective meetings is an increasingly important and rare occurrence. Ninety percent of business leaders surveyed say the ability to conduct effective meetings is a key indicator of business leadership effectiveness. Developing your meeting leader skills can enhance your business value and increase your personal effectiveness. Continue reading about Secrets To Successful Meetings

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