Nine states provide over one half of the United States' entire population. Can you name all nine of them?. That somewhat trivial question from a friend, is what lead to this article. I wanted to know the answer. The quest for the answer took me on a magical US history tour. Hop on board for a whislte stop tour of fascinating facts regarding four states that are home to the most 'folks." Make learning fun by learning with your children. Family learning is a great way to bond.
Do you know? - What links California, Texas, New York and Florida? Yes, of course, all four of them are states in a rather famous union. However, so are 46 other states that are not listed. You’re going to have to think a little bit harder to get this one. What unites these four states uniquely?
California Fun Facts

Fun Facts About Texas

New York, New York What You Need To Know
Florida - Interesting and Fun Facts
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